
by Rohit Mehta



Device information App which having all the software and hardware detailsApp Contains--Device--Model, Manufacturer, Device Type, Platform, Version, Serial, Security Patch, Release, Board, Bootloader, Display, Host, Idiom etc.--Display—Orientation, Rotation, Screen Width, Screen Height, Screen Size, Density, Refresh Rate, etc.--CPU—Processor, Features, Hardware, Supported ABI, Governor, Cores, CPU Frequency--Memory—Random Access Memory, Internal Storage, System Storage, SD Card Storage--Battery—Percentage, Health, Voltage, Temperature, Technology, Charging Status, Power Source, Capacity--Applications—Total Applications with details as Version Name, Version Code, Package Name, App Type, Min SDK Version, Target SDK Version, Installed On, Last Updated On, Source Dir, Data Dir, Protected Data Dir, etc.